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Become a Sponsor

Advertising Sign Agreement
Southeastern Stokes Youth Soccer League will be responsible for having your sign made and displayed at our Brook Cove Soccer fields & on our websites at

Plan Cost: What Fee Includes:
One $250.00 One Personalized sign displayed at Brook Cove Soccer Field for $250.00
ONE YEAR (two seasons) with an annual renewal
cost of $125.00.

Two $1000.00 One  Personalized sign displayed at Brook Cove Soccer Field for $1000.00
TEN YEAR with no annual renewal cost.


Personalized sign size is 2 feet by 3 feet.
If you choose plan one or two, the ownership of the sign is yours.

Plan Selected: ____One ____Two ____Renew
Amount Paid:
Advertiser's Signature:
Company website:
League Representative:

Southeastern Stokes Youth Soccer League will be responsible for having your sign made and displayed at our Brook Cove Soccer fields and on our website at, advertising your company.

There are two plans to choose from.
Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

The Southeastern Stokes Youth Soccer Association wants to say THANK YOU to all our sponsors and hopes you will join them and become a sponsor too.

Southeastern Stokes Youth Soccer Association 
P.O. Box 1185 Walnut Cove, NC 27052 


Stokes United / Southeastern Stokes Youth Soccer Association
PO BOX 1185, 1000 Middle Brook Road
Walnut Cove, North Carolina 27052

Email: [email protected]

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